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The City of Kirksville has many methods to stay in contact with residents. Make sure you stay safe and informed by receiving notifications and alerts from the City! 

Text and Email Alerts

Using the link below, you can customize what you receive through email, text, and/or phone call. We have a variety of groups you can join to get notifications about emergencies, advisories, community events, and newsletters. The City of Kirksville can send you alerts via text message, email, pager, or voicemail (in extreme cases), based on your preferences.

Sign up here

If you want to modify or unsubscribe from alerts, head to and hit the "Modify or Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the page. 

Social Media

The City of Kirksville has multiple social media channels for you to follow.

Kirksville Connection Newsletter

The Kirksville Connection is a monthly newsletter for residents of Kirksville. There is a physical edition that gets mailed out with your utility bill each month. There is also an online version that is filled with extra information and a calendar of community events. It is totally free and gets sent right to your inbox each month. To subscribe for the online newsletter, head to