Lakes, Parks & Recreation Commission

To recommend to the City Council policies, rules, legislative initiatives, development plans, programs and other actions which serve to preserve and protect Kirksville’s lakes, park lands and open space conservation areas; which enhance active and passive recreational activities for the residents of Kirksville; which maintain public safety; and which provide for long-range planning for future uses and community needs regarding lakes, parks, open spaces and recreational facilities and programs in and around Kirksville. This shall include review and approval of city policies and ordinances concerning lake and park use; review of capital improvement projects proposed for lakes, park lands and recreation facilities on policy issues concerning lakes, parks and recreation as may be requested by the City Council or staff.

Meets: First Tuesday of the month at 12:00 pm
Term: Three Years

Hank Janssen, KBSA Representative, Chair
Sean Murphy, Vice Chair
John Gardner, City Council Representative
Yvette Amerman
Dr. Carolyn Cox
Ryan Huseman, Rotary Club Representative
Scott Meredith
Tony Vazzana
Logan Peckosh
Robin Harden, Staff Representative

View LPRC Agendas & Minutes